I was going to set aside your condescension and your misuse of the word "conflate," but I decided not to. Instead, I'm going to give it right back. So, allow me to explain it to you like you're 5.
One does not have to be white to be a white nationalist. Your oversimplification of what any of the terms you use is telling. When Fuentes says, “I want a total Aryan victory for my people,” he's preaching white nationalism. When Enrique Tarrio associates with white supremacist groups saying things like "colonialism is the best thing to happen to the Western hemisphere," he's preaching white nationalism.
Do you know what "inclusive" means to the KKK? I'm guessing not. You should look it up (seriously).
No one here is "conflating" anything. Just facts, homie. This isn't my first rodeo and you aren't my first detractor. There have been thousands of white dudes like you over the last decade and y'all try to do the same thing: water down the conversation with insults, absurd claims, and a complete lack of knowledge as you try to sound smarter than the person pointing out how these things work (me).
You're looking at race and nationalism purely from a pigmentation standpoint (i.e. racial identitarian) and that's your argument's biggest flaw. Welcome to the new world of hate and ethnonationlaism.
Have a wonderful day.