Is Cuba More Oppressive Than The U.S.? It’s Debatable

Talking about Cuba in the U.S. is largely based on propaganda and misinformation spread by the U.S. government

Arturo Dominguez
7 min read2 days ago
Photo by Ernesto Carrazana on Unsplash

The Cuban government has a way of reminding the world that it’s not all that great. In fact, some would argue that it’s pura mierda. Reporting from the U.S. indicates Cuba is corrupt and infested with greedy privileged characters at the highest levels who have been profiting from the misery of the people.

But while the Cuban government has much to be criticized for, let’s stop pretending the United States has been innocent over the last six decades. Let’s also stop acting like the situation in Cuba is a story with a single narrative akin to some sort of white-washed lullaby as the propaganda created by the Department of State suggests.

Instead, let’s talk about the broad support for the regime in Cuba. At its root, the foundation of the support stems from two of the most prominent issues: the treatment of Cuba by the United States and the equality as a result of socialist policies enacted after the Revolution in 1959. And while many argue that U.S. sanctions have no impact on the Cuban people, that’s only among propagandists in Miami.



Arturo Dominguez

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |